Just as people need room to move, they also need space to perform at their best. So, how much space should each person have? Researchers; suggest a research-based allocation of 10 to 12 square meters per worker. drawbacks, but flexible spaces can help.


Office furniture can help create a more relaxed and pleasant atmosphere in the workplace.


While cubicles(a small partitioned-off area of a room, for example one containing a shower or toilet, or a desk in an office.) can help to split a larger room into smaller offices that a single person can set up as their own, the physical barriers they create can mean that collaboration becomes limited.

The ability to personalize and organize a space that belongs to individual employees comes at the cost of people feeling unable to talk to other team members, work together on projects and even ask opinions. As a result, team building isn’t particularly strong a Providing a more open space, complete with areas away from desks can help to make it easy to talk to other people, encourage collaboration and build a stronger team. This can lead to people being more willing to have conversations and seek advice, all of which can have a positive effect on productivity.


Room temperature is generally considered anywhere between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit. Many organizations maintain their offices at such temperatures, but warmer temperatures can increase employee productivity. With this, though, it’s important to note that some team members may have specific preferences, so it’s always a good idea to reevaluate temperatures as your organization progresses.


When team members generate ideas, they should be able to record such ideas in a specific place before moving on with their assigned daily duties. Having a white board or chalk wall where team members can write their ideas down may help avoid workflow interruptions, keep track of innovative ideas and simultaneously maintain productivity.


As your team members locate and claim their workspaces within your office, they may want to personalize their own space with items that reflect their interests or keep them engaged and relaxed. Therefore, when designing your office, try to keep this in mind and leave room for employee personalization.